San Francisco (USA)7 – 25 September 2013 - America’s Cup Final Match takes place. The winner of the 34th America’s Cup is the team to first score 9 points. On September 25th Oracle Team USA defeats Emirates Team new Zealand (9-8) and wins the 34th America’s Cup.
San Francisco (USA), August 30th 2013 - After two days off the Luna Rossa Challenge team was back on the water for a series of training races against Emirates Team New Zealand. The Italian and the New Zealand teams sailed on the race course between the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz in 15-17 knots of wind and with 1 knot ebb current. Max Sirena commented: “As anticipated, we’ve accepted to keep on racing against Emirates Team New Zealand even though the Louis Vuitton Cup finals are over. These racing drills are important for both teams because they allow us to test new solutions and let us understand if our technical developments were going in the right direction. We will continue to sail by ourselves the next few days to test further technical
developments that for timing issues we could not check during the races.”
San Francisco (USA), 25 August 2013 - Luna Rossa faces Emirates Team New Zealand in the eighth race of the Louis Vuitton Cup Finals (1-7). The New Zealanders score the seventh point and move to the America’s Cup Final Match against the Defender Oracle Team USA. Max Sirena, skipper of the team, declared: “In one year and a half we built a young and competitive team that, with only one boat designed on a first generation project, advanced to the Louis Vuitton finals. Even if we made huge improvements during the last few months and weeks, this was not sufficient; if we had four more month to develop the boat we would have been more competitive. Congratulations to Emirates Team New Zealand for the deserved victory and we wish them
the best luck for the America’s Cup.” Patrizio Bertelli, team Principal of Luna Rossa, stated: “Since her first challenge Luna Rossa has become a model team and a benchmark in the America’s Cup. This is proved by the fact that many important people who are in other America’s Cup teams come from Luna Rossa. For the third time we have advanced to the Louis Vuitton Final and have achieved the goal we set ourselves when we launched our challenge, one year and a half after the other teams. I want to thank every single team member for the job and the efforts they have put in this campaign. Now we are focused on the future.”
San Francisco (USA), 17 - 30 August 2013 - The Louis Vuitton Cup Final takes place. The first team which scores 7 points accedes to the America’s Cup Final.
San Francisco (USA), August 9th 2013 – Luna Rossa defeats Swedish team Artemis Racing 4-0 and wins the Semifinals of the Louis Vuitton Cup. For the third time in four America’s Cup campaigns Luna Rossa qualifies for the Louis Vuitton Cup Final. Patrizio Bertelli, Team Principal of Luna Rossa declared: “We are satisfied to have reached our goal. I want to thank all the team for the huge effort that they have put into these last few months that allowed us to advance to the Louis Vuitton Cup Final” Max Sirena added: “I’m very proud of this result. I want to thank all the crew and the shore team for the hard work that they have put into these last few days. We always said that our goal was to gain access to the Louis Vuitton Cup final and we did it. We won against a
team that started its campaign one year and a half before us and that could develop the boat much more than us. Now we’ll do our best to be ready to race against Emirates Team new Zealand. For Luna Rossa this will be the third Louis Vuitton Cup final .”
San Francisco (USA), 6 - 15 August 2013 - The Semi Final matches of the Louis Vuitton Cup take place. The first team to score 4 points moves to the Finals of the Louis Vuitton Cup.
San Francisco (USA), 11 July - 1 August 2013 - Luna Rossa sails 4 races against Emirates Team New Zealand (0-4) and 4 unopposed races against Artemis Racing who is not yet ready to race. Emirates Team New Zealand wins the Louis Vuitton Cup Round Robin and advances to the Louis Vuitton Cup Final (17-30 August). Luna Rossa prepares to face Artemis Racing in the Semifinals of the Louis Vuitton Cup (6-15 August).
San Francisco (USA), July 11th 2013 - The International Jury rules in favour of the protests brought by Luna Rossa Challenge and Emirates Team New Zealand. Luna Rossa races for the first time in a solo race against Artemis Racing.
San Francisco, 6th of July 2013 – First race of the Louis Vuitton Cup Round Robin - Luna Rossa versus Emirates Team New Zealand. Luna Rossa decides not to race due to the pending protest presented to the International Jury. Max Sirena, skipper of Luna Rossa Challenge, stated: “I want to clarify the reason for which we are not racing today. As everybody knows we have protested the introduction of new Class Rules without the unanimous agreement of the competing teams. By racing under these rules, enforced by the Regatta Director with Race Notices 185 and 189, we would somehow silently approve them. This is not the case. Therefore we have no choice but to stay ashore until the International Jury has reached a decision on the matter. We have been
forced into this position. We did not come to San Francisco to watch races, but to race.”
San Francisco, 2nd of July 2013 – Luna Rossa and Emirates Team New Zealand file a protest to the International Jury against two of the 37 measures introduced by the Regatta Director on Friday 29th of June - Regatta Notices 185 and 189 - (new Class Rules issued without the unanimous agreement of the competing teams).
San Francisco (USA), May 18th 2013 - Luna Rossa AC72 sailed for the first time in San Francisco in the bay where the Louis Vuitton Cup and America’s Cup regattas will take place starting July 7th. With an early morning roll out, Luna Rossa sailed in light winds (3 knots) that increased up to 12 and allowed the crew to carry out an extensive number of maneuvers. The training session lasted about three hours. Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 skipper Max Sirena declared: “The weather today was ideal for our first trial out on the water; from a technical standpoint it allowed us to test safety measures, loads and maneuvers. However the really significant aspect was psychological: it was important for the crew to resume sailing on the
AC72 and to get back into its normal training mode to prepare for the upcoming races. In the next few days we will continue with our training and development program as scheduled.”
Alameda(USA), May 17th 2013 - at 2:30 PM local time, Patrizio Bertelli – Team Principal of Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 – met the local media at the team’s technical base in Alameda – San Francisco.
San Francisco (USA), May 9th 2013 - The sailing world and team Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 are shocked for the dramatic accident which caused the death of the Olympic medallist Andrew Simpson, while training on AC72 Artemis catamaran. The accident raises further safety concerns.
Auckland (New Zealand), March 19th 2013 - After six months of training and racing in the austral summer the Team Luna Rossa left Auckland to resume its racing activity in Naples, where it will participate at the last event of the America’s Cup World Series (16 – 21 April). During the training period in New Zealand the Luna Rossa AC72 literally ‘flew’. Her foils lifted the hulls out of the water, and the boat reached over 42 knots of speed.
Auckland (New Zealand) Febbruary 18th 2013 - Team Luna Rossa’s preparation and training for the 34th America’s Cup is still ongoing in Auckland, New Zeland. Some important decisions have been made on the afterguard of the AC72 Luna Rossa catamaran, who will be participating in the Louis Vuitton Cup – America’s Cup Challenger Series – in San Francisco, CA, starting from July 6th. Chris Draper has been chosen as helmsman and Francesco Bruni will be the tactician, although he will still helm the AC45 Luna Rossa Swordfish catamaran during the upcoming ACWS event in Naples.
Auckland(New Zealand), November - December 2012 – A period of intense training and races against Emirates Team New Zealand begins in the Huraki Gulf. Luna Rossa is able to sail 26 days out of the 30 allowed by the regulations.
Auckland (New Zealand), October 26th 2012 – The AC72 Luna Rossa catamaran, challenging in the 34th America’s Cup, was launched today in Auckland, New Zealand. At 6.40 pm local time, Miuccia Prada, with her husband Patrizio Bertelli at her side – the Team Principal of Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 – broke the champagne bottle, thus christening the 22-meter maxi catamaran: mirrored hulls and a 40-metre high wingsail, its aft half also mirrored. Luna Rossa’s AC72 is the outcome of the effort that has kept the 70 team members busy for nearly one year; during this time, research, experimentation and construction progressed in lockstep, with use of the most sophisticated and breakthrough technology. Construction involved 300 people for a grand
total of 52,000 working hours – 12,000 to build the wingsail, 17,000 for hulls construction, and 23,000 to build the platform and foils. 500 kg of titanium were used, and there are about 2,000 meters of ropes on board (halyards, sheets, etc.). Patrizio Bertelli, Team Principal of Luna Rossa Challenge 2013, said: “This is our fourth challenge for the America’s Cup, certainly the most revolutionary compared to past ones. Launching a yacht is still as exciting as ever, maybe even more so in this case because this boat is so technologically extreme, the outcome of state-of-the-art research and of a huge effort from the whole team.”
Newport, June 30th 2012 – Patrizio Bertelli head of Luna Rossa Challenge, four time Italian challenger syndicate, is inducted to the Herreshoff Marine Museum’s America’s Cup Hall of Fame at a gala dinner at the Marble House Mansion in Newport,RI. Owner of the Luna Rossa Challenge and the first Italian to ever be inducted into the Hall of Fame, Patrizio Bertelli spoke of his true pride in joining the other members of this important institution: “One of the reasons I am happy to challenge again for the America’s Cup is because of a message sent to me by Peter Blake after our first challenge in New Zealand in 2000. He said that it was really important to challenge, and to continue to challenge, and not to stop challenging. We really remember what Peter
Blake said and that is why we are challenging for the fourth time now. We have not changed from the first challenge to the fourth. We have not changed our willingness to do our best and we are challenging with the same spirit we had at the beginning. We will certainly try our best in San Francisco next year as well.”Newport, June 30th 2012 – Patrizio Bertelli head of Luna Rossa Challenge, four time Italian challenger syndicate, is inducted to the Herreshoff Marine Museum’s America’s Cup Hall of Fame at a gala dinner at the Marble House Mansion in Newport,RI. Owner of the Luna Rossa Challenge and the first Italian to ever be inducted into the Hall of Fame, Patrizio Bertelli spoke of his true pride in joining the other members of this important institution: “One of the
reasons I am happy to challenge again for the America’s Cup is because of a message sent to me by Peter Blake after our first challenge in New Zealand in 2000. He said that it was really important to challenge, and to continue to challenge, and not to stop challenging. We really remember what Peter Blake said and that is why we are challenging for the fourth time now. We have not changed from the first challenge to the fourth. We have not changed our willingness to do our best and we are challenging with the same spirit we had at the beginning. We will certainly try our best in San Francisco next year as well.”
Mondello, Palermo, April 4th 2012 - Team Luna Rossa Challenge 2013, Challenger to the 34th America’s Cup, has been presented today in Mondello, Palermo, at the Circolo della Vela Sicilia, the challenging Yacht Club. The President of Circolo della Vela Sicilia, Agostino Randazzo, and the Team Principal of Luna Rossa Challenge 2013, Patrizio Bertelli, welcomed the guests, including the President of the Palermo Province, Giovanni Avanti, the President of the Italian Sailing Federation, Carlo Croce, and the Sports Delegate of the Sicily Region, Daniele Tranchida. A large group of media representatives and a delegation of the America’s Cup Event Authority were also present. Team Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 was represented by skipper Max Sirena
,helmsmen Paul Campbell-James and Chris Draper, sailors Francesco Bruni and Manuel Modena, and the designers, coaches, and other shore personnel Roberto Biscontini, Andrea Casimirri, Steve Erickson, Antonio Marrai, Umberto Panerai, Matteo Plazzi and Luis Saenz. Agostino Randazzo, President of the Circolo della Vela Sicilia, stated: “The challenge for the America’s Cup is the greatest ambition for a Yacht Club. I want to thank Patrizio Bertelli for granting this unique opportunity to the Circolo della Vela di Sicilia.” Patrizio Bertelli, Team Principal of Luna Rossa Challenge 2013, stated: “This team brings together some of the “historical” Luna Rossa team members, and a strong new group of young sailors. The Circolo della Vela Sicilia has a
very long and strong history in the world of sailing and we are proud to be representing it.”
Milan, November 2nd 2011 – Technical and sporting cooperation with Emirates Team New Zealand The Circolo della Vela Sicilia of Palermo and the team Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 announce that their Notice of Challenge for the 34th America’s Cup, which will be held at San Francisco in September 2013, has been accepted by the Golden Gate Yacht Club. Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 and Emirates Team New Zealand have signed a cooperation agreement until 31st December 2012 which includes full access to all ETNZ design and performance data for this period. The hulls for the Luna Rossa AC72 will be built in Italy and all other elements will be built in New Zealand in close cooperation with Emirates Team New Zealand.
Luna Rossa’s 2012 programme includes the opening of a base in Auckland (New Zealand) for the joint training, the participation in all events of the America’s Cup World Series (ACWS) with the AC45 wing catamarans and the launch of the AC72 wing catamaran for the America’s Cup.